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Learning from the Extremes International

LFE - Main Banner
Learning from the Extremes is a European Union´s Horizon Framework Program for Preparatory Action - Increasing access to educational tools in areas and communities with low connectivity or access to technologies. The project addresses inequalities of access to digital education by enhancing inclusion and by reducing the digital gap suffered by school communities from remote areas with low connectivity, limited or no access to devices and digital educational tools and content. Learning from the

ΑΠΑΡΧΕΣ - Ελληνική Σκηνή GSO2024

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ΑΠΑΡΧΕΣ Ηχοποίηση διαγράμματος για τη Μεγάλη Έκρηξη. Έγγραφο αναφοράς ΕΔΩ Σχεδιασμός, Υλοποίηση : Πέτρος Στεργιόπουλος, Γιάννης Ρωμανός με τη συμβολή μαθητών Α' Γυμνασίου Ελληνογερμανικής Αγωγής Συμβολή στην 1η Φάση: Μανώλης Χανιωτάκης Παρουσίαση Βραδιά Ερευνητή ΑΙΣΘΑΝΘΕΙΤΕ 380,000 χρόνια μετά τη “”Μεγάλη Έκρηξη” , από την οποία θεωρούμε οτι δημιούργησε το Σύμπαν, τα ηλεκτρόνια (αρνητικό φορτίο) και τα πρωτόνια (θετικό φορτίο) ήταν ελεύθερα να κινηθούν, ενώ τα σωματίδια

Oι Ήχοι των Άστρων

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ΟΙ ΗΧΟΙ ΤΩΝ ΑΣΤΡΩΝ Διήμερο Εργαστήριο Επιμόρφωσης Εκπαιδευτικών 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2024 | Ελληνογερμανική Αγωγή Οδός Δημητρίου Παναγέα, ΠΑΛΛΗΝΗ, ΑΤΤΙΚΗΣ / Χάρτης 17 Ιανουαρίου 2025 | Εθνικό Αστεροσκοπείο Αθηνών (Κέντρο Επισκεπτών Θησείου) Θησείο/ Χάρτης Πώς η αστρονομική παρατήρηση μπορεί να εμπνεύσει την δημιουργία ήχου; Τί είναι ηχοποίηση δεδομένων και πώς μπορεί να εφαρμοστεί για εκπαιδευτικούς σκοπούς; Περιγραφή Στο εργαστήριο εκπαιδευτικών με τίτλο "Οι Ήχοι των Άστρων" παρατηρούμε τον έναστρο

The eSAT Community

2    |    Technology
The eSAT Community main objective is to deliver the EU Youth Strategy to young in an engaging, exciting and understandable way, by developing a comic book. The 4 stories it comprises have been developed by 4 international teams of volunteers trained in visual storytelling, on the topics: Engage, Connect, Empower, and fourth one chosen by the volunteers themselves. The comic book is translated into the 4 project partners´ languages (Bulgarian, Hungarian, Romanian and Slovak) and it has been

PICO - PhysICs fOr all

1    |    Science
Decades of cutting-edge physics research has provided us with major discoveries and launched impressive initiatives in the “Physics of the two Infinites”, the Physics of the very big and the very small. From the exploration of both the immense and the minuscule realms of the universe to the precise measurement of particles like the Higgs boson. PhysICs fOr all – PICO – aims to support students to increase their awareness of fundamental, cutting-edge physics and of the impact that discoveries in

GSO 2019 - Gravity - Greek Scene

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Greek Scene contribution at the Global Science Opera 2019 Ellinogermaniki Agogi 1st grade High School Link: Teachers: Petros Stergiopoulos (Music Production), Maria Bilika (Music/ Drama), Manolis Chaniotakis (Physics) Scene Duration: 120 seconds (max). Scientific theme: The eclipse of the Sun observed from Principe Island in May 1919 the observation of which proved Einstein's theory. Performative act: The curvature of light observed during

FutureFoods Summer School 2024

4    |    Social Studies
The “Schools as Sites for Food System Transformation” Summer School aims to familiarise participants with the concepts and methods of open schooling and living labs, providing a framework for educators and other societal actors to engage, discuss and explore how schools can become innovation incubators and accelerators within their local communities while offering new learning opportunities to their students. Summer School participants will be empowered to design and develop living-lab-based

Safe Future in Mobility Hub

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This is the Hub of the Safe Future in Mobility project! The project supports and promotes actions that advance road safety and traffic education, as well as awareness raising for road safety and sustainable mobility. The consortium has invested time and effort to create materials for a more sustainable future in mobility. The proposed activities aim to gradually raise the quality of teaching and learning to new levels based on the priorities of EU Strategy

Eratosthenes Photo Contest March 2024

37    |    Science
Welcome to the Community for the Eratosthenes Photo Contest March 2024! Here you can post your photos and take part in the contest. Upload your photo in the Resources area and automatically participate in the contest. Please keep in mind that each teacher can submit ONLY one photo. Entries with more than one photo will not be considered for the winning prize(s). The winning prize*** is a seat to attend the GEO - Academy Summer School 2024, in Marathon Greece from 7-12 July 2024. For more info


1    |    Music
Sonification Useful Tools Pureref Online Sequencer Two Tones HighCharts Official Community Related Communities EVENTS


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Welcome to the iMuSciCA Community of practice. iMuSciCA engages students in innovative interactive music activities with advanced multimodal interfaces to explore different phenomena/laws of physics, mathematics, technology and engineering. It is a pioneering approach using music for fostering creativity and deeper learning, thereby setting new grounds in the European STEAM curricula. Visit the iMuSciCA official website: The iMuSciCA Workbench : https://workbench.imuscica

LeDS - Learning Digital Skills Through Arts and Performance

3    |    Music
LeDS - Learning Digital Skills Through Arts and Performance How sensors are connected with Dancing and Informatics? LeDS community will give you the answers.

STE(A)M Learning Ecologies (SLEs)

STE(A)M Learning Ecologies (SLEs) is an EU-funded project (Horizon Europe) developing engaging open schooling-enabled science learning paths for all in learning continuums of formal and informal education settings focusing on inclusiveness. The project highlights the necessary conditions for bringing together all formal, non-formal and informal education actors, as well as enterprises and the civil society and giving all space and motivation to take initiative and central roles. By building on

Road STEAMer

This infographic offers an initial outline of a set of criteria the Road-STEAMer project has identified to map and analyse STEAM practices in Europe.
Discover Road-STEAMer’s vision to enhance science education in Europe and beyond! About Road STEAMer Road-STEAMer attempts to develop a STEAM Roadmap for Science Education in Horizon Europe and in educational policy across the continent in order to: To produce better knowledge and shared understanding of Europe’s particular educational needs and how STEAM can address them. To explore the opportunities arising through STEAM for integrated science learning approaches and synergies. To study those

D.O.M.E project Community

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The D.O.M.E. project (Design your Own Multimedia learning Environment) aims to empower students by involving them in building a low-cost planetarium system and developing presentations that will engage the local community and allow them to benefit from the planetarium and its associated resources. This DIY planetarium will provide for the students the opportunity to increase their competence profiles as well as the science capital of their community and the scientific reasoning and awareness of