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Som Divers@s

Som Divers@s

Hosted by OSOS , contributed by DeustoLearningLab on 7 February 2019


IES Camp de Turia in Llíria.

Esperanza Esteso Valladolid, and Javier Lafuente Bolufer,

To encourage students to exercise critical, responsible, respectful, open and creative citizenship in the face of social and cultural diversity.

This project seeks to improve the academic results of students, improve coexistence in the classroom and in the center, increase self-esteem in the students, improve their social skills and competencies, improve their autonomy and social responsibility, sensitize students and municipalities to diversity and integrate education for development and global citizenship in the center project.

To this end, good educational practices have been researched and demonstrated to be successful in the scientific community:

- Heterogeneous groups
- Service and project learning
- Dialogical gatherings

These good practices have been put into practice using the SCRUM framework and following the learning for development guidelines.
The proposed methodologies allow students to work on and learn from many cross-cutting themes:
  • Key competences
  • The Scrum Framework 
  • Education for development
  • Different types of diversity.

Partnership opportunities


As a volunteer in interactive classroom groups.

El Prat Occupational Centre

Municipal entities that work with people with functional diversity. We do joint activities. There they teach us how they work and we teach them things about computers.



Association that works with people with functional mental diversity. We do tasks in nature together (gardening, ecological garden, reforestation).


Civil association that works with immigrants. We participate in Spanish classes.

CEIP St. Vicent Ferrer, learning community

Primary school in which our students participate in the voluntary work of the interactive groups.


Association that works biodiversity with people with functional diversity.

Llíria Town Council

Collaboration in awareness-raising activities at the municipal level.

Also seeks to collaborate with other educational institutions in the region (schools and institutes), and create projects shared with them in the future.

Inclusion of the principles of RRI - Research and Responsible Innovation:


Students will be able to share their activities and findings with different stakeholders at local, regional and national levels using a bottom-up approach aimed at raising awareness of different types of diversity.

Public participation

Throughout the project different actors will participate in order to enrich the results obtained in its development.

Gender equality

Sexual diversity is one of the themes we deal with throughout the project, starting with the use of non-sexist language and the elimination of micromachisms in the classroom.

Scientific education

Students will work on the scientific method and its practical application in the different environments in which research is conducted on different types of diversities.


Students will know how to manage real data and will be able to know the importance of working and experimenting with this type of information, reflecting on the need to have complete mechanisms for scientific research.

Open access

Students will be able to develop these materials and share them openly and completely free of charge to all sectors that may be interested (such as the general public, families, as well as local, regional and national actors).


Learning Objectives
Improve coexistence in the classroom and in the centre. Improve students' social skills and competences. To increase their autonomy and social responsibility. Favour the development of critical thinking. Sensitize the students and the municipality of the
Addressed challenge: To encourage students to exercise critical, responsible, respectful, open and creative citizenship in the face of social and cultural diversity.

Students participate and share different experiences and activities with entities that work on different types of diversities:

  • Collectives with functional diversity
  • Collectives with gender problems
  • School garden and work in the natural environment with biodiversity experts and working with local agents who are dedicated to it (technicians from the municipality and associations that are dedicated to it).
  • Research on the different cultures and societies that have developed and are developing in our environment and in other distant environments with experts in socio-cultural diversity and visiting different relevant enclaves of our community.
  • Research on the linguistic diversity of our environment and other more distant environments with experts in linguistic diversity.


Reto perseguido: Animar a los estudiantes a ejercer una ciudadanía crítica, responsable, respetuosa, abierta y creativa frente a la diversidad social y cultural.
El alumnado participa y comparte diferentes experiencias y actividades con entidades que trabajan los diferentes tipos de diversidades:
  • Colectivos con diversidad funcional
  • Colectivos con problemática de género
  • Huerto escolar y trabajo en el entorno natural con expertos en biodiversidad y trabajando con los agentes locales que se dedican a ello (técnicos del ayuntamiento y asociaciones que se dedican a ello)
  • Investigación sobre las diferentes culturas  y sociedades que se han desarrollado y se desarrollan en nuestro entorno y en otros entornos lejanos con expertos en diversidad sociocultural y visitando diferentes enclaves relevantes de nuestra comunidad.
  • Investigación sobre la diversidad lingüística de nuestro entorno y otros entornos más lejanos con expertos en diversidad lingüística.


When the students know the different types of diversities and have worked on them, divided into class work groups (8 groups of 4 students), they will decide on a project to work on the one they most like and in its development they will have to decide both what they can do to improve this diversity and their contribution to raise awareness about it.

The steps to follow to develop the project are:
  1. Selection of the project:
    • Each group can have a person to tutor them and help them choose a project related to the diversity chosen.
    • It should be borne in mind that the total duration of the project to decide the tasks to be carried out to carry it out.
    • They will have to prepare a deliverable to present their research to other people (inside and outside the centre).
  2. Start of work. The group should plan how much time they are going to dedicate to each thing:
    • Investigation of the topic.
    • Selection of a suitable deliverable.
    • Preparation of the deliverable.
  3. The work should be carried out in a group and cooperative structures should be chosen (with the help of the teacher and the person tutoring them), so that the whole group participates in the tasks.


SCRUMscrumScrum is a framework that allows us to plan the different tasks that we develop with the students. In this way we ensure that we achieve the goals we have set for ourselves without getting lost along the way and the student body learns to plan the work we ask them to do.

The project is divided into products and each product has an owner who knows everything about it.

Each product is again divided into stories that are prioritized, assigned an estimated duration and a final demonstration is defined to prove that they have been done correctly.

When planning, stories are taken and all the necessary tasks are taken from each one.

In Scrum there are cycles of work that are called Sprints, our sprints have a duration of two weeks.

At the beginning of a sprint the stories that can be developed during those two weeks are decided and the work team decides the necessary tasks to carry them out.

For each task an estimate is made of the development time (there are techniques to do it in the most appropriate way), and a person from the work team chooses it for that sprint. The initial meeting ends when everyone has all their working time assigned to that cycle.

This project proposes to introduce all this in a progressive way, at the beginning it is the teachers who decide the tasks to be carried out and their duration. All the work teams into which the students are divided carry out the same tasks in a sprint, but each one plans at what moment they dedicate themselves to each of them according to the criteria they consider most appropriate (their preference, the teachers who are going to be in the classroom, the estimated duration of the task...). When we consider that the students are prepared, we will prove that they are the ones who decide which are the tasks and their estimation.

The educational team is responsible for ensuring that all the curricular contents of the subjects are achieved with the tasks that are defined.

In this whole process we have different roles:

  • The product owner who is the owner of the product and knows everything about it (he is a teacher or an external volunteer).
  • The scrum master who leads a team (is a member of the student body)
  • The coach, who is a member of the faculty who acts as a subject matter expert.
  • The work team (a group of students, made up of 4-5 members).

Each team will have its Scrum panel, located in a visible place in the classroom, which shows the tasks that are pending to develop, those that are in process and those that are completed and each day will begin with the completion of the daily Scrum in which each group will review the work done and decide which will perform that day.

See diagram


Cuando el alumnado conozca los diferentes tipos de diversidades y haya trabajado sobre ellas, divididos en los grupos de trabajo de clase (8 grupos de 4 alumnos), decidirán un proyecto para trabajar aquella que más les apetezca y en su desarrollo deberán decidir tanto qué es lo que pueden hacer para mejorar esa diversidad como su aportación para sensibilizar al respecto.

Los pasos a seguir para desarrollar el proyecto son:

  1. Selección del proyecto:
    • Cada grupo puede tener una persona que les tutorice y ayude a elegir un proyecto relacionado con la diversidad elegida.
    • Debe tenerse en cuenta que la duración total del proyecto para decidir las tareas a realizar para llevarlo a cabo.
    • Tendrán que preparar un entregable que les sirva para presentar su investigación a otras personas (dentro y fuera del centro).
  2. Comienzo del trabajo. El grupo deberá hacer una planificación del tiempo que van a dedicar a cada cosa:
    • Investigación del tema.
    • Selección de un entregable adecuado.
    • Preparación del entregable.
  3. El trabajo deberá realizarse en grupo y elegir estructuras cooperativas (con ayuda del profesorado y la persona que les tutoriza), de forma que todo el grupo participe en las tareas.


scrumScrum es un marco de trabajo que nos permite planificar las diferentes tareas que desarrollamos con el alumnado. De esta forma nos aseguramos que conseguimos los objetivos que nos hemos propuesto sin perdernos por el camino y el alumnado aprende a planificar el trabajo que les pedimos.

El proyecto se divide en productos y cada producto tiene un dueño que es quien sabe todo de él.

Cada producto se vuelve a dividir en historias que se priorizan, se les asigna una duración estimada y se define una demostración final para probar que se han realizado correctamente.

Cuando se planifica se cogen historias y de cada una se sacan todas las tareas que sean necesarias.

En Scrum se hacen ciclos de trabajo que se llaman Sprints, nuestros sprints tienen una duración de dos semanas.

Al comienzo de un sprint se deciden las historias que se pueden desarrollar durante esas dos semanas y el equipo de trabajo decide las tareas necesarias para llevarlas a cabo.

Para cada tarea se hace una estimación del tiempo de desarrollo (hay técnicas para hacerlo de la forma más adecuada), y una persona del equipo de trabajo la elige para ese sprint. La reunión inicial se acaba cuando todo el mundo tiene asignado todo su tiempo de trabajo para ese ciclo.

Este proyecto propone introducir todo esto de forma progresiva, al principio es el profesorado el que decide las tareas a realizar y su duración. Todos los equipos de trabajo en que se divide el alumnado realizan las mismas tareas en un sprint, pero cada uno planifica en qué momento se dedica a cada una de ellas según los criterios que consideren más adecuados (su preferencia, los profesores que van a estar en el aula, la duración estimada de la tarea…). Cuando consideremos que el alumnado está preparado, probaremos a que sean ellos quien decidan cuáles son las tareas y su estimación.

El equipo educativo es el responsable de que todos los contenidos curriculares de las asignaturas se consigan con las tareas que se definan.

En todo este proceso tenemos diferentes roles:

  • El product owner que es el dueño del producto y conoce todo de él (es un profesor o un voluntario externo)
  • El scrum master que lidera un equipo de trabajo (es un miembro del alumnado)
  • El coach, que es un miembro del profesorado que hace de experto en una materia.
  • El equipo de trabajo (un grupo del alumnado, formado por 4-5 miembros)

Cada equipo tendrá su panel de Scrum, situado en un lugar visible del aula, en el que se muestran las tareas que están pendientes de desarrollar, las que están en proceso y las que están finalizadas y cada día comenzará con la realización del Scrum diario en el que cada grupo revisará el trabajo realizado y decidirá el que van a realizar ese día.

Ver esquema

The products that we want to achieve throughout the course are:

First quarter: 

  • That we know each other (us, our companions, our teachers). This product is very important because we are going to do collaborative work.
  • That we stay in shape (we want almost every day have some physical activity outdoors and even outings in the mountains and work on their body hygiene).
  • Orchard (it is a transversal product for the whole year that will continue with the exploitation of the annexed orchard in the house of the caretaker that has begun this year. With the orchard we work on biological diversity and many aspects of the fields of science and even the necessary standards of protection).
  • Start up the technical service (we want the students to carry out the computer maintenance of the centre with the advice of the teachers of the technical subjects. This product will help us to achieve many contents of the subjects of assembly and maintenance, operating systems and networks).
  • Arrange the headquarters (we want to arrange the house of the janitor to have the headquarters of our NGO and to be a meeting point with people who come from outside, a warehouse of material and a place to develop creativity. With this product we want to work all fields and technical subjects) 
  • That we know diversity (a first introduction to the general concept of diversity and its types to begin to achieve the first phase of education for development)

Second quarter: 

  • To create the NGO (we want that from the knowledge of the diversity that has been done in the first quarter the need to do something more arises. We are entering the phases of critical positioning and raising awareness of education for development).
  • Orchard
  • Technical support
  • Keeping in shape
  • Each group chooses a project related to a diversity (we complete our knowledge and enter the phases of critical positioning and awareness.

Third quarter: 

  • Orchard
  • Technical support
  • Keeping in shape
  • Each group chooses a project related to a different diversity from that of the previous quarter.
  • Municipal diversity week (final product of awareness raising at municipal level with the municipality and other collaborating centres and entities)


Los productos que se quieren conseguir a lo largo del curso son:

Primer trimestre: 

  • Que nos conozcamos (a nosotros, a nuestros compañer@s, a nuestros profesores y profesoras. Este producto es muy importante porque vamos a hacer trabajo colaborativo.
  • Que nos mantengamos en forma (queremos que casi todos el días tengan alguna actividad física al aire libre e incluso salidas en la montaña y que trabajen su higiene corporal).
  • Huerto (es un producto transversal para todo el año que continuará con la explotación del huerto anexo en la casa del conserje que se ha empezado este año. Con el huerto trabajamos la diversidad biológica y muchos aspectos de los ámbitos de ciencias e incluso las normas de protección necesarias).
  • Poner el servicio técnico en marcha (queremos que el alumnado lleve el mantenimiento informático del centro con el asesoramiento del profesorado de las asignaturas técnicas. Este producto nos ayudará a lograr muchos contenidos de las asignaturas de montaje y mantenimiento, sistemas operativos y redes)
  • Arreglar la sede (queremos arreglar la casa del conserje para tener la sede de nuestra ONG y que sea un punto de encuentro con gente que venga de fuera, un almacén de material y un lugar donde desarrollar la creatividad. Con este producto queremos trabajar todos los ámbitos y las asignaturas técnicas) 
  • Que conozcamos la diversidad (una primera introducción en el concepto general de diversidad y sus tipos para empezar a lograr la primera fase de la educación por el desarrollo)

Segundo trimestre:

  • Crear la ONG (queremos que del conocimiento de la diversidad que se ha hecho en el primer trimestre surja la necesidad de hacer algo más. Entramos en las fases de posicionamiento crítico y sensibilización de la educación por el desarrollo).
  • Huerto
  • Servicio técnico
  • Mantenernos en forma
  • Cada grupo elige un proyecto relacionado con una diversidad (completamos nuestros conocimientos y entramos en las fases de posicionamiento crítico y sensibilización.

Tercer trimestre:

  • Huerto
  • Servicio técnico
  • Mantenernos en forma
  • Cada grupo elige un proyecto relacionado con una diversidad diferente de la del trimestre anterior
  • Semana municipal de la diversidad (producto final de sensibilización a nivel municipal con el ayuntamiento y otros centros y entidades colaboradoras)

The first level of awareness is the family and the school environment that surrounds us, to then carry out activities on a larger scale at the regional level (with the council and the commonwealth), and at a higher level using communication networks.

At the end of the course we will carry out the diversity week at municipal level in which different activities will be developed as a result of the students' projects on each diversity.

This week will be carried out publicly in the municipality, with the support of the council, the different entities with which we collaborate and some schools in the region that are also developing projects on different diversities.

Another very interesting activity that we are developing in this point is volunteering in a school / learning community of our municipality (Comunitat d'aprenentatge Sant Vicent Ferrer). Our students participate every week in the interactive groups that take place at the different levels of the centre.

We are also planning to set up (with the help of the town council) a mobile computer classroom so that our students can give computer literacy classes, both in the different entities with which we collaborate and in others in which we plan to do so (such as retirement centres).


El primer nivel de sensibilización es la familia y el entorno escolar que nos rodea, para después realizar actividades a mayor escala a nivel comarcal (con el ayuntamiento y la mancomunidad), y a mayor nivel utilizando las redes de comunicación.

A final de curso llevaremos a cabo la semana de la diversidad a nivel municipal en la que se desarrollaran diferentes actividades fruto de los proyectos del alumnado sobre cada diversidad.

Esta semana se llevará a cabo de forma pública en el municipio, con apoyo del ayuntamiento, las diferentes entidades con las que colaboramos y algunos colegios de la comarca que también están desarrollando proyectos sobre diferentes diversidades.

Otra actividad muy interesante que estamos desarrollando en este punto es el voluntariado en un colegio/comunidad de aprendizaje de nuestro municipio (Comunitat d’aprenentatge Sant Vicent Ferrer). Nuestro alumnado participa todas las semanas en los grupos interactivos que se desarrollan en los diferentes niveles del centro.

También tenemos prevista la puesta en marcha (con ayuda del ayuntamiento), de un aula informática móvil para que nuestro alumnado pueda dar clases de alfabetización informática, tanto en las diferentes entidades con las que colaboramos, como en otras en las que tenemos previsto hacerlo (como son los centros de jubilados).