Hosted by SALL , contributed by Milopoulos on 3 May 2023
The Virtual Lifeguard is an interactive VR simulation game designed and educational scenarios for children aged 12-17 years old that has been co-created by the experts and the users.
The game will be developed in the Unity Platform and in order to be played specific hardware is needed. This will be a high-end PC and Oculus (Meta) VR headsets. It can take place in schools that have computer labs. High-end laptops are also available in order to demonstrate and use the game in schools and other settings without access to high end equipment. Also, the Safewater Sports NGO has created the OCEAN Lab which schools can visit and offer the Virtual Lifeguard Experience to their students and teachers.
Our objectives are:
- Reduction of drownings recorded annually in Greece, which holds a negative record of deaths from drowning, mainly of children.
- Reduction of accidents and injuries recorded annually in Greece, during water sports and recreational activities on the water, especially in the at sea.
- Raising awareness of all the actors involved in the chain of education of children in safety at sea and pools.
- Research and record basic and innovative methods of water/sports safety education at global level.
- Promotion of virtual reality as an innovative educational tool for age-specific educational tools.
Co-creation with societal actors
Continuous cooperation with the Safewater Sports NGO. ( Safe Water Sports is a non-profit organization founded in June 2015 with the interest of providing information and raising awareness to the general public on safety matters related to recreational water activities and water sports with great emphasis on safety standards and the prevention of drownings and sea-based accidents. It has been selected because its primary scope is the information and sensitization of citizens, mostly children, on all matters relating to both water and sea activities (sports and recreation), emphasizing on safety and accident-prevention issues and the implementation of actions in collaboration with the Private and Public sector aiming at the reinforcement of safety issue at the aquatic environment. Since September 2021, the educational program of Safe Water Sports called "Safety at sea, in water sports and in swimming pool" has been included in the Skill Labs of the Ministry of Education in the section Live better - Live well -HEALTH: Self-care, Safety and Prevention, Road Safety. This is an educational program about safety at sea that has been added to the official curriculum for elementary schools in Greece and addresses to students of High-School.