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Eratosthenes Photo Contest March 2024

Κοινότητας   37 members
Welcome to the Community for the Eratosthenes Photo Contest March 2024! Here you can post your photos and take part in the contest.
Upload your photo in the Resources area and automatically participate in the contest. Please keep in mind that each teacher can submit ONLY one photo. Entries with more than one photo will not be considered for the winning prize(s).
The winning prize*** is a seat to attend the GEO - Academy Summer School 2024, in Marathon Greece from 7-12 July 2024.
For more info, please visit our site: https://esia.ea.gr/geo-academy-summer-school/
***Due to financial rule limitations (sponsorship comes from EU projects), the winning prize is for EU teachers only. For teachers outside Europe, the winning prize (postal costs included) will be an astronomy book, titled "Learning Astronomy through Inquiry".