Tko smo mi
Schools As Living Labs is a European-funded project which explores Open Schooling approach to science education. It adopts the Living-Lab philosophy to bring together school communities, including teachers, students, families and local actors, and engage them in intensive dialogue and mutual learning activities. The partners behind Schools As Living Labs are representatives of the formal and non-formal education sectors: education networks and organisations, science centers and museums, think-tanks and universities. The consortium brings together 13 partners from 12 countries:
- Ellinogermaniki Agogi, Greece | Επετειακό Video Ελληνογερμανικής Αγωγής (
- Blue world institute, Croatia | Blue World Institute (
- Center for the promotion of science, Serbia | ЦПН – Основни сајт Центра за промоцију науке (
- Ciência Viva, Portugal | Homepage Ciência Viva (
- Ecsite, Belgium | Ecsite | The European Network of Science Centres and Museums
- Netcompany-Intrasoft International, Greece | Netcompany-Intrasoft Home Page | NETCOMPANY INTRASOFT International (
- The Lisbon Council, BelgiumThe Lisbon Council - think tank for the 21st century
- Nemo Science Museum, The Netherlands | NEMO Science Museum in Amsterdam
- ORT Israel, Israel |
- Science centre AHHAA, Estonia | Teaduskeskus AHHAA
- Traces, France |Sciences | Lien Social | Traces | France (
- University of Cyprus, Cyprus | ReSciTEG (
- University of Deusto, Spain | Universidad | Deusto