דילוג לתוכן העיקרי

Open Teach Study – Share your experience with OERs!

Take part in the Open Teach Study and share your experience and needs for Open Educational Resources!

These past months have highlighted the urgent need for better, high-quality (digital) Open Educational Resources (OERs) that educators can easily adapt to their specific needs and settings – especially in an online-based learning environment. While there are numerous of online resources often just a simple Google search away, knowing how to assess their accuracy or quality is more challenging. The Open Teach project is going to design an (online) course and platform that will support educators to identify reliable and high-quality resources and guide them to create and share their own material.

In order for us to understand your familiarity and expectations towards Open Educational Resources, kindly take a few moments and take part in our study. We are interested to hear about your use of and interest in Open Educational Resources as well as your experience in using digital resources and tools in your lessons and schools. You can take part here:

More about the Open Teach project

The Open Teach project aims at advancing the research, evaluation, and implementation of quality open educational resources and practices, and supporting educators to develop their digital competences profiles. The project offers a platform for teachers with focus on middle and secondary school STEAM subjects.
The Open Teach platform offers online Courses with six modules on open educational resources (OER) and open educational practices (OEP) and enables the collection and assessment of at least 500 Resources (OER) by the Community of Practice (i.e. teachers taking the Courses). The Courses learning activities include the critical selection, evaluation, adaptation, repurposing, and creation of OER. Teachers taking the Courses become part of the Community of Practice (CoP) sharing and critically assessing the Resources on the platform. An innovative self-sustainable social- and system- supported assessment toolkit for the quality assurance of OER and OEP is integrated into the platform, and co-designed with teachers and educational experts.

Would you like to know more about the project or ask any questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us to: team@open-teach.eu