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Latest European updates about open schooling in your mailbox

Latest European updates about open schooling in your mailbox

Schools as Living Labs with 8 other projects on open schooling and education outside the classroom decided to join their effort to spread the word about how learning boundaries can be redefined. Our projects are planting the seed for new education systems that foster the competencies that modern societies require, and that will help align research and innovation processes to societal values, needs and expectations.

It is with this in mind that we have launched our first newsletter: Open Schooling together. More than just project updates, anybody who is genuinely interested in science education will find in our newsletter all the latest developments, new approaches and methodologies to connect with learners.

For our first issue we have interviewed Karen Slavin. Ms Slavin is the European Commission’s policy officer behind the calls funding our Open Schooling initiatives. This interview will help you understand the context where all the open schooling and related projects fit. And you will also have the chance to understand a bit better how each project is approaching this Open Schooling concept.