This report highlights the main findings of four research papers and aims to offer a basis for policy development and implementation at different governance levels and inform the work of the European Commission (EC) on the new roles and competences required of teachers and school leaders in the digital age for inclusive quality education in all European Union Member States. To do this, we bring together recent education research with inspiring practice and policy and the views of various education stakeholders.
The research quoted has been developed by members of the European Education Policy Network (EEPN) project partnership, based on resources and examples identified by partnership members. The papers aim to offer a policy and research framework for the analysis of practical examples of inspiring practice, especially for policy transfer and policy learning.
Research carried out in interlinked fields around teachers and school leaders towards a sustainable whole school approach for quality and inclusive education feeds into the work of EEPN to formulate and promote policy recommendations in the field of teacher and school leader careers as well as to the future work of EEPN partners. The primary aim of this work, starting with desk research, is to promote co- operation, policy development and implementation at different governance levels. It supports the European Commission’s policy work to assist teachers and school leaders by providing research evidence and evidence-based policy recommendations for European, national, regional and local levels. EEPN has also aimed at offering a unique participatory methodology for future work on policy development.