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Combining historical and artistic knowledge with technology for developing students’ understanding and appreciation for Byzantine art and temple architecture

Hosted by , contributed by Kyriaki_Vakkou on 15 September 2023
Personalized and inclusive learning
Stakeholders involved:
Technology providers
Local authorities
Main challenge:

The main problem faced was the inadequacy of traditional teaching methods for students to explore the relationship between the architectural and pictorial layout of a church, the recall of the characteristics of Byzantine art and the perception of their historical and artistic value, as well as the recognition of the cultural value and the contribution of the churches to the world cultural heritage.

In the past, the teaching of these subjects was more theoretical and abstract, with limited opportunity for students to directly explore the features and history of temples. With the combined approach of History and IT courses, students were able to use computers, tablets or smartphones to gather information, search for images and explore interactive materials about Byzantine art and temple architecture. The challenge was to combine historical and artistic knowledge with technology so that students could develop a more complete and thorough understanding of the subjects. Creating a digital presentation and video that includes the history, architectural features and images of the temples was an approach that allowed students to explore these topics in a more engaging and interactive way. The students could perceive the historical and artistic value of the temples and share their knowledge with their classmates through their presentations. Thus, the problematic situation was the distance between theoretical teaching and practical application, while offering a more interactive and exciting learning experience for students, taking advantage of the possibilities of technology.

Action and initiatives:

To address the aforementioned problem, some key actions and initiatives have been implemented. Students used computers, tablets, or smartphones to gather information, search for images, and explore interactive materials about Byzantine art and architecture. This use of technology allowed students to access a wide range of information and materials, thereby enhancing their understanding and discovery of the relationships between a temple's architectural and pictorial layout.

In addition, students collaborated to create a digital presentation and video that included the history, architectural features, and images of the chosen temple. They used image and video editing software, as well as presentation tools, to create impressive and educational material. This activity encouraged creative expression and effective presentation of their knowledge. It also helped develop students' skills in technology, research and collaboration, while also enhancing their sense of personal expression and autonomy.

Different stakeholders participated in these actions in various ways. Faculty provided guidance and support to students during the research and creation of the digital materials. In addition, students worked with each other in groups, promoting collaborative learning and knowledge sharing. Finally, the students presented their creations to their classmates, sharing the knowledge and experiences they gained from researching and editing the digital materials. The involvement of stakeholders in these actions helped to create a rich and interactive learning that combined history, informatics and creative expression.

Main change/improvement/impact:

The solutions included as good practices had a substantial impact in many areas. The main changes/improvements observed after implementing these solutions were:

Improvement of learning outcomes: Students developed a deeper understanding of the relationship between architecture and pictorial layout of a church and gained knowledge about Byzantine art and architecture. Collaboration and cooperative learning allowed students to share their knowledge and enrich their understanding through interaction with each other.

Improving teaching practices: Teachers developed new teaching methods that combined History and Information Technology. They utilized technology and interactive materials to make the lesson more interesting and engaging for the students. Cooperative teaching and group work were also promoted, which enhanced the interaction and exchange of ideas between students.

School management: New practices have had an impact on school management as they require the integration of technology into the educational process. This may have required the procurement of new equipment, the training of teachers in the use of new tools, and the creation of the necessary infrastructure to support technology education.

Local community and others: Student participation in such a project can have an impact on the local community. Student presentations can share knowledge and awareness about Byzantine art and architecture with the local community. In addition, collaboration with companies, museums and other organizations can strengthen the school's connections with the local community and offer new opportunities for students.

In general, the implemented solutions enhanced students' technological training, promoted collaboration and research, and improved the presentation and expression of their knowledge. They also strengthened teachers' teaching practices and had an impact on school organization and administration.

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